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We are driven by passion for technology. We write and all share the same thirst for learning and constant development.
Feb 21, 2024
12 min read

Software Development Process: Improve Code Quality

Imagine a world where code is consistently clean, efficient, and reliable. A world where costly errors, vulnerabilities, and bugs are detected and prevented early in the software development process. This utopia is not out of reach, thanks to the powerful combination of shifting left, static analysis, and unit testing. In this blog, we explore the […]
Feb 02, 2024
18 min read

10 Top AI and Machine Learning Trends For 2024

The world of AI and machine learning continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace. From customized enterprise generative AI models to the growing emphasis on AI ethics and security risks, there are several trends that are set to shape the future of this transformative technology. Imagine a world where AI-driven systems can tailor customized solutions […]
Jan 17, 2024
15 min read

Top Challenges for CIO – IT Leaders in 2024

In the dynamic landscape of technology, Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and IT leaders are faced with a myriad of challenges in 2024. Navigating through rapid technological advancements and evolving business needs, CIOs find themselves at the forefront of ensuring seamless digital transformations. The top challenges for CIOs this year encompass a spectrum of complexities, from cybersecurity threats and data management issues to the imperative need for innovation amidst a competitive market. Balancing the demands of efficiency, security, and innovation is proving to be a delicate yet crucial task for CIOs, shaping the trajectory of IT strategies in 2024. As they grapple with these challenges, CIOs are not only safeguarding the integrity of their organizations' digital ecosystems but also playing a pivotal role in driving forward the technological agenda for the future.
Jan 08, 2024
10 min read

CEO Guide: Custom Software Development Trends in 2024

This article examines the current hot trends affecting the custom software development industry. Starting with Web 3.0, which changes how we conduct work, and the emergence of low-code software platforms that speed up development, you'll find the facts about what's driving the latest innovations. If you're curious about the future of custom software, then this […]
Jul 04, 2023
22 min read

The Power of ChatGPT: Your Ultimate Guide

Language models have revolutionized how we interact with technology, enabling machines to understand and generate human-like text. These powerful models have become essential in various applications, from virtual assistants to content creation. And among these groundbreaking language models, there’s one that stands out: ChatGPT. Converse with an AI-powered chatbot that understands queries, engages in dialogue, […]
Jun 06, 2023
19 min read

YOLO: Remodel Object Detection – Can One Algorithm Do It All?

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have evolved into essential elements in the field of software development. Gaining knowledge of the concepts and diverse aspects of AI holds significant value. In this article, we will explore YOLO (You Only Look Once), an extensively utilized AI algorithm across multiple domains. Object detection recognizes widely as a task in […]
May 30, 2023
1 min read

ReactNative: The Must-Have Framework for 2023 Apps

As an open-source platform, ReactNative basks in its well-deserved acclaim and widespread implementation as developers’ first choice for crafting mobile applications. Facebook developed it and has gained significant popularity in app development due to its cross-platform compatibility, faster development time, and extensive community.  To understand ReactNative’s core concepts, exploring its history and fundamental principles is […]
May 25, 2023
8 min read

Visual Studio vs. Visual Studio Code: Which Is Better?

Microsoft, a corporation, has created two highly favored Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) – Visual Studio vs. Visual Studio Code. Both products cater to different needs and preferences. Choosing appropriate tools can significantly influence productivity and efficiency in software development. This blog post compares two powerful IDEs to help you choose the best fit for your […]
May 18, 2023
4 min read

Python Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing: What’s the Difference?

Comprehending the disparities between Python’s multithreading and multiprocessing is essential to attain exceptional outcomes in software engineering. Understanding critical differences between the two can help make decisions for implementing parallel applications, leading to optimized performance and resource utilization. This blog post compares the distinctions between these two processes, effectively using concurrent computing techniques in your […]
May 16, 2023
8 min read

Python vs. C++ Differences in 2023

Overview Any software development project can be successful with the right programming language selection. Two popular options are Python vs. C++, among the many programming languages available.  Developers recognize Python for its exceptional degree of interpretation. They admire its traits that are easy to accommodate and its straightforward structure systems, which have made it a […]
May 11, 2023
9 min read

Top 10 Project Management Tools for Software Outsourcing

The correct project management tools are essential to overcome these challenges. Numerous strategies have been created to hasten software development and promote a successful collaboration between internal staff members and external agents. The field of project management offers many resources, making it hard to determine the best solution for outsourcing software development. Software development outsourcing […]
May 09, 2023
5 min read

The Future of Business: Collaborative Software Ecosystems

In this rapidly changing world, collaborative ecosystems are becoming famous for keeping businesses competitive. Many companies rely on software development but require an innovative approach to help them create better-quality products in less time. The solution lies in collaborative ecosystems that unite developers, testers, product owners, and customers through coordination and active partnerships. This effort […]
May 04, 2023
1 min read

No-Code: Future of Software Development?

No-Code technology is a noticeable trend that has appeared across the business landscape. Without requiring in-depth programming knowledge, this innovative approach provides a quick and affordable alternative for software development. Remarkably, this change in approach extends its advantages to everyone, regardless of coding expertise. Let’s assess the potential outcomes of this alternative approach and determine […]
May 02, 2023
4 min read

Top 5 Benefits of Serverless Deployment in Software Development

At present, serverless deployment has gradually become an increasingly favored method in tackling software development. The term “serverless” may cause individuals to believe mistakenly that servers are no longer necessary. In actuality, it pertains to the reality that the developer is no longer burdened with overseeing and managing the underlying infrastructure. In this article, we […]
Apr 27, 2023
11 min read

TypeScript vs JavaScript: The Ultimate Comparison in 2023

TypeScript vs. JavaScript: As the most popular scripting programming language for many successful projects, JavaScript is universal in IT. TypeScript is suitable for large-scale projects as an alternative option. Although similar, significant differences exist between them. Overview JavaScript has been a superior technology in the software development industry for over two decades.  But it also […]
Apr 25, 2023
4 min read

Ionic: Is It Good for App Development?

Are you considering developing a mobile app using Ionic for your app development? If you are, you’re in luck because we have some insights to help you get started. Mobile application development has been one of the businesses with the quickest growth in recent years. The increase is partly due to the popularity and use […]
Apr 20, 2023
3 min read

Flutter vs. Kotlin: App Development in 2023

In the current era of rapid advancement, Flutter vs. Kotlin has become a common debate among mobile app developers. Both platforms offer potent instruments to craft top-notch and intuitive applications. It’s important to analyze their features, performance, and support to make an informed choice. Still, as these technologies gain popularity, carefully evaluate their pros and […]
Apr 13, 2023
1 min read

Software Development Tips: How To Code Better

The realm of software development is intricate and ever-evolving, creating a challenge in discerning how one can elevate their ability in coding. Nonetheless, several fundamental ideas and strategies could raise the standard of both writing and executing code. In this blog, we will delve into several essential recommendations for software development aimed at improving your […]
Apr 11, 2023
1 min read

Software Development: 2023 Top Breakthrough Technologies

In the past, software development has undergone a substantial transformation thanks to emerging methods and technologies that address digital trends. Advanced technological innovations will undoubtedly continue to impact how we materialize innovative ideas in software development as we progress this 2023. In this blog post, we will explore innovative technologies expected to impact software development […]
Apr 04, 2023
3 min read

Front-end Frameworks: The Top 3 in 2023

Front-end frameworks let web developers build user interfaces with the help of libraries. These frameworks make creating and using menus, forms, buttons, and other user interface elements easy. The tools and parts of web applications are interactive and change constantly. This article looks at the top three front-end frameworks for 2023. Let us compare the […]
Mar 30, 2023
1 min read

Quality Assurance: The Key to Successful Software

Quality Assurance and Testing are essential parts of software development that ensure products meet the requirements and are free of bugs before handing them over to end users. QA implementation requires setting up rules, standards, and procedures to improve product quality and lower the chance of failure. Software developers that rigorously test their products can […]
Mar 28, 2023
1 min read

App Development: Top 10 Programming Languages in 2023

Programming languages are the foundation of any software development project and mobile app development. Choosing the appropriate programming language can create or break your app development project, significantly impacting the app’s functionality, performance, and scalability.  Are you interested in app development and wondering which programming languages are trending in 2023? This article will discuss the […]
Mar 23, 2023
1 min read

Outsourcing Software Development: 7 Strategies for Success

Outsourcing software development could be the option you’ve been looking for! Outsourcing applies to hiring an external company to handle specific tasks or projects instead of relying solely on in-house resources. Additionally, it has become increasingly popular due to its many benefits. For instance, it allows companies to access specialized skills and expertise that may […]
Mar 21, 2023
1 min read

AI Software Development: Freelance Vs. In-House Vs. Outsourcing

AI software development aims to produce intelligent machines that think, learn, and feel like humans. Healthcare, banking, and transportation use AI to automate processes, forecast, and help people make better decisions. Its growing importance is evident. Its algorithms and programs allow computers to accomplish jobs formerly done by humans. Due to AI’s growing significance in […]
Mar 09, 2023
1 min read

Software Development Outsourcing: 10 Biggest Mistakes

The right software development outsourcing strategies alongside a good provider can give tech companies great results. Software development is one of the best strategies for tech companies that want to reduce expenditures, improve quality, and increase efficiency.  However, as promising as that sounds, why do some outsourced software projects fail?  Let’s look at the biggest […]
Mar 02, 2023
4 min read

Outsourcing Software Development: 7 Best Practices in 2023

Are you considering outsourcing your software development? If so, you’re not alone. In today’s competitive business landscape, many startups outsource software development to save time and money. But, the several options may make it hard to start. To assist you in choosing the finest outsourcing software development strategy for your company in 2023, we’ve compiled […]
Feb 28, 2023
1 min read

Software Engineer Manager: Roles and Responsibilities

The software engineer manager is a key software development team member in a project. They manage and oversee the software development process from start to finish. Let’s explore the importance of having a software engineering manager in the entire software development process.  What Is a Software Engineer Manager? A software engineer manager oversees groups of […]
Feb 22, 2023
1 min read

AI Software Development: 12 Reasons to Outsource

Modern tech companies are already adopting artificial intelligence into their software development process. AI-powered tools significantly reduce software development cycles through automation. By leveraging AI-driven systems, software companies can deliver better-quality products to the market faster.  Let’s look into the compelling reasons modern tech companies are integrating AI-powered tools into their software development and the […]
Feb 21, 2023
1 min read

Software Development: Managing Offshore Teams

Many major tech companies have turned to software development outsourcing partners to fill resource gaps and improve business efficiency. The success of these outsourcing ventures relies mainly on your partnership and collaboration with your outsourced software developers. While many software development outsourcing companies offer a global pool of the best talents, it takes good management […]
Feb 16, 2023
1 min read

Software Development Outsourcing: 9 Must-Knows

Software development outsourcing is expected, where a company brings in added resources to supplement its existing team. There are many benefits to this practice; however, there are also some risks and disadvantages that you should be aware of before engaging in this workforce solution. Below, we’ll discuss some essential things to consider before deciding to […]
Feb 13, 2023
1 min read

Top 17 Benefits of Software Development Outsourcing

Software development outsourcing is an intelligent approach to optimize the success of your project. This is because it enables you to hire out the development of specific features or functionalities. At the same time, you are leaving internal workers in charge of other aspects of the project. Also, this approach has several benefits, including cost savings, better […]
Feb 02, 2023
1 min read

4 Ways Artificial Intelligence Refines Software Development

Artificial intelligence will become even more prevalent in the software development process in 2023. Tech industries are utilizing AI-powered systems to deliver tasks within the software development cycle to increase efficiency, productivity, and accuracy. Let’s look at the role of artificial intelligence in software development and the four practical ways AI refines the process. Before […]
Jan 31, 2023
4 min read

Staff Augmentation: 13 Keys To Success

IT companies have leveraged IT staff augmentation to quickly fill resource gaps with some of the world’s finest talents. This staffing model helps provide them with the additional expertise and capacity the project requires without hiring long-term in-house tech professionals.  What Does Staff Augmentation Mean? Let’s define the term and discuss how the staff augmentation […]
Jan 24, 2023
5 min read

iOS App Development: High-Quality Tips and Tricks 2023

Building High-Quality iOS Apps: Why it Matters The iOS app development process is an essential factor in building high-quality apps. A well-designed software program must be able to identify user demands effectively.  The software must undergo rigorous testing before deployment to address any bugs. While also adding iOS features and technologies to the software, the performance, […]
Jan 20, 2023
1 min read

IT Staff Augmentation: A Smart Business Move

Many companies use IT staff augmentation to address workforce issues and team projects. This service allows them to fill talent gaps quickly and has many other benefits. Additionally, by hiring an IT augmentation firm, you can gain access to experienced tech experts who can help your business grow and thrive. This article will explore hiring […]
Jan 13, 2023
1 min read

Opportunities for an AWS DevOps Engineer

As technology continues to transform our lives and workplaces, there is an increasing demand for skilled professionals who can manage and optimize the implementation and operation of cloud-based apps. One of these roles that have risen significantly in the last several years is the AWS DevOps Engineer. These engineers are responsible for building, implementing, and maintaining […]
Jan 11, 2023
1 min read

PSISTORM Gaming competes in HomeStory Cup XXII

Korean Terran player Koh “GuMiho” Byung-Jae and Polish Protoss player Mateusz “Gerald” Budziak, members of the PSISTORM Gaming team sponsored by LANEX, traveled to Krefeld, Germany to participate in the HomeStory Cup XXII event. These players have respectively created a name for themselves in high-level competitive tournaments throughout their careers. Gerald is widely recognized as […]

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